Monday, April 16, 2018

Where I've Been

This last year, was the craziest year of my life. Which meant I did not sew much and I did not blog at all.

So, what have I been up to this last year? My pregnancy was a difficult one, and my third son was born 7 weeks early, on June 16th. His birth ended up being one week before we moved across state. So, a bit overwhelming.

He ended up spending about a month in the NICU, in two different cities, due to our move. He did very well, only needing time to grow and learn how to eat on his own. He even left the NICU able to nurse! Overall, it was a busy, crazy, blur of pumping and taking care of my babies at home and my baby in the hospital. 

So, after moving to the new city, we moved again in October into a house we purchased. So, we moved 2 times within 6 months, with 3 children under the age of 6. Needless to say, sewing did not happen. 

Thankfully our new home does have a sewing space for me, so once we were a bit settled in I was able to start back sewing a bit. I took a foundation paper piecing class at a local quilt shop (Stitched Studio) in the beginning of December, and started attending the local modern quilters group. I've been posting some my sewing projects over on my Instagram.

Now that I'm starting to get back in my creative groove again, I hope to share what I'm up to in this space once again. I really enjoy blogging about what I make, as it pushes me explore what I'm doing in a different way. 

I did some English Paper Piecing for the first time, inspired by the Color Wheel Challenge posed by the GRMQuilters. I can see why so many people love EPP! It's been a great project to take on the go. 

I hope to post weekly, so I'll be back in the next 7 days to share more of what I've been up to!