Friday, April 22, 2016

Creative Endevors ( 4/22/16 )

So, I learned about Artist Trading Cards this week. Like 5 years after everyone else.

If you haven't heard about them, here's the lowdown.

My First ATC

So I of course started making some. Because I have no other projects that I am working on. (Insert crazy lady eye roll here)

I am wondering a couple things regarding these trading cards. 

#1 Who am I going to trade them with?
#2 Can I figure out how to make them little teeny tiny mini quilts?
#3 If I can figure out how to do that, who am I going to trade them with?

So, if you are in the Saginaw Michigan area, and have some Artist Trading Cards that you would like to trade, please let me know! 

More ATC's in progress

And as always, whenever I find some new process or media, I feel that I should make sure that everyone realizes that #idontknowwhatiamdoing .

Linked up over here.


  1. I made an ATC once, but didn't trade. I ended up incorporating it into a wall hanging. The piece was finished on 8/14/14, in case you are interested in having a look.

  2. I stumbled onto an ATC trading group in my area. We meet for lunch once a month, and trade, usually cards based on a specific theme. They are all painters or mixed media artists, but the absolutely love my cards because they are different.
    Pat F in Winnipeg

    1. Sounds like a great time! Hopefully I will be able to stumble across something like that in my area. :)
