Friday, April 29, 2016

Mosaic Contest 4/29/16

Have you ever played along with a Mosaic Contest over at Stitched in Color?

It is such a great excuse to peruse fabric online! It's also a fun challenge to pick fabrics out according to a theme, usually one I would never think of.

Here is what I put together for the latest contest "Cool Melon."

The first collection....

Cool Melon #1

and here is the second collection...

Cool Melon #2

Creative Stitching and Other Finishes

Despite taking my modern sewing machine into the shop this week, I've been stitching plenty. I got out my little featherweight, and I have been reminded of how delightful it is to stitch on her! She is such a lady, I just love her. She was definitely my first baby.

I love her! 

She's a pretty lady, and her stitches are aces.

She only stitches straight though, so I had some limitations this week.

I did manage to make up some Artist Trading Cards out of some of my hand painted, and hand printed fabric. 

Bloom #1 and Bloom #2

I starched two pieces of 2.5x3.5 muslin to stiffen it up, and improved some foundation piecing to the muslin. I then raw edged appliqued (kinda) two of my block printed little flowers. I don't plan on binding them, since they are so teeny tiny, and I don't want to add anything to the current dimensions. I am thinking of waxing them. We will see what I end up doing. I also want to trade!

Soft and Sweet

I also stitched up some baby items for a cousin who is having TWIN boys this summer(!). I made up some cute little bibs and burp cloths, out of some flannel. I plan on making some more before her shower on Sunday.

Sweet Swaddlers

I also stitched up some blankets for her, using double gauze. I figured since her babies will be born in the heat of summer, that it would be nice to have some lightweight blankets around. I've typically used flannel for baby blankets, but I love how the double gauze turned out. So Soft!

Simple Tote

I also finished a simple hand painted tote this week. You can read more about that over here.

I'm linked up over at Crazy Mom Quilts, and Off the Wall Friday.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Creative Endevors ( 4/22/16 )

So, I learned about Artist Trading Cards this week. Like 5 years after everyone else.

If you haven't heard about them, here's the lowdown.

My First ATC

So I of course started making some. Because I have no other projects that I am working on. (Insert crazy lady eye roll here)

I am wondering a couple things regarding these trading cards. 

#1 Who am I going to trade them with?
#2 Can I figure out how to make them little teeny tiny mini quilts?
#3 If I can figure out how to do that, who am I going to trade them with?

So, if you are in the Saginaw Michigan area, and have some Artist Trading Cards that you would like to trade, please let me know! 

More ATC's in progress

And as always, whenever I find some new process or media, I feel that I should make sure that everyone realizes that #idontknowwhatiamdoing .

Linked up over here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

When things aren't what you want

I'm struggling to make these triangle pouches what I want them to be.

A Trio of Triangles

I didn't love the elastic top stitched on the purple triangle. I then made the ikat triangle, but it was very difficult for me to not top stitch the elastic.  The top stitching really stinks on the pouch, and I made it entirely out of triangles, so there is an additional seam, and it adds too much bulk. On the floral pouch, I skipped any type of closure, used two different shapes to stitch it up, and did minimal top stitching.  I really want them to have a closure though.

I am sick of thinking about them! But I want to figure it out! Erg. 

Thinking that the strategies used with the floral will win out. Closure options I am considering include sew in snaps, kam snaps, and buttons. Eh. I don't love it, but maybe if I give it a go it will work for me.

Linked up at Let's Bee Social.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Folk Flowers

We've had a long, draining, week. Stomach Bug hit us hard.

I did manage to eeek in some time to create.

Freshly Finished

One afternoon nap time, even though I was very tempted to sneak in a nap myself, I finished cutting the above lino.

Freshly Printed

That evening I got out the printmaking supplies and tested it out, prepared to tweak the lino if I needed. I didn't need to. I loved it.

Freshly Pressed

I still loved it this morning when I got a moment to take a picture in daylight.

Discovery: it was more refreshing for me to spend time working on this, then taking a nap with my kids. (Based on previous napping experiences) 

Folk Flowers

This panel was also printed that evening, and it really reached to a certain longing in my soul. I could see my growth in the craft, and it was deeply satisfying. I almost cried. Really. I was surprised by my tenderness towards it.

Linked up over here.

Friday, April 8, 2016

My First Mug Rug

Earlier this week, I really needed some quick stitching.

So, I made a mini quilt, or a mug rug. I can see why some people love them, it was really gratifying how quickly it came together!

Working on the Binding

I haven't really ever hand stitched down a binding, but I was surprised to discover how much I enjoyed the process. In general, I don't mind the slowness of various parts of the sewing process anymore. I don't know if this is me maturing in my sewing/life, or what.


I did do part of the binding a bit wonky. I didn't want to look up how to properly join the binding strips, and decided to wing it. So, yeah. I personally like the look, and since it's just something for my personal use, it works. Some of the corners are pretty wonky as well. But, I don't really care. Practice makes perfect, and I haven't practiced this skill very much yet.

The Back
I am really happy with the quilting. I haven't really used quilting to add a design element to anything before, as I am typically afraid that I will 'ruin' the quilt that I have already put so much work into. This was the perfect project to play a bit, since it was low risk, small, and intended for myself.

Mug Rug in action

I've already been putting it to good use this week. Mainly as my official landing place for my phone, in the kitchen. I've used it as a glorified coaster a bit too. I see more of these in my future!

The fabric I used, were offcuts of what I used for my Flight Bag (Betz White). You can see more about that here.

Linking up to NTT, TGIFF, and Crazy Mom Quilts. :) 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Show and Tell (4/4/16)

It was spring, and it has backtracked to winter here in Michigan.

That's how I feel, like I am backtracking creatively. One step forward, two steps back.

I haven't been idle, though, just sluggish.

Fabric Pull

I started the Flight Bag by Betz White for Creative Bug. I love the fabrics I picked out. You can read more about my progress on that project over at Simple Satchels.


I painted some more fabric. I wanted something along the lines of an ombre effect with yellow, and then I was going to add a dash of neon yellow. Well it ended up more color blocked than the fading effect I was going for. Then when I added the neon, it was a tinge too green, and clashed with this yellow. So, yeah, not what I had planned. Disappointment took over for a day or two, but I have ideas on how to achieve what I want with the next attempt.

Spring Flower

I tried out some other painting this week. I got out the children watercolor set that I have been holding back from Corwin, and painted myself a pretty little flower. I was much more satisfied with this than my fabric painting. I really have no idea what I am doing with watercolor, so my expectations are very low for myself. This really helps me feel happy with whatever I end up painting!

Mug Rug

Yesterday I was aching for a little bit of patchwork. Really I just wanted to do some mindless stitching. I used some scraps from my flight bag and am in the processes of the final hand stitching on a little mug rug. I am really happy with how the quilting turned out. It was fun to just play a bit. 

I want to play! I may start designating a whole day to my 'studio' instead of just trying to fit stuff in between the craziness that is my life with two little ones underfoot. Idea's are forming. 

Linked up at Off the Wall Friday.