Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Folk Flowers

We've had a long, draining, week. Stomach Bug hit us hard.

I did manage to eeek in some time to create.

Freshly Finished

One afternoon nap time, even though I was very tempted to sneak in a nap myself, I finished cutting the above lino.

Freshly Printed

That evening I got out the printmaking supplies and tested it out, prepared to tweak the lino if I needed. I didn't need to. I loved it.

Freshly Pressed

I still loved it this morning when I got a moment to take a picture in daylight.

Discovery: it was more refreshing for me to spend time working on this, then taking a nap with my kids. (Based on previous napping experiences) 

Folk Flowers

This panel was also printed that evening, and it really reached to a certain longing in my soul. I could see my growth in the craft, and it was deeply satisfying. I almost cried. Really. I was surprised by my tenderness towards it.

Linked up over here.


  1. Amazing how much energy is derived from being create. Also, when surrounded by kids 24/7 it is good to have a place to rest the eyes and see an accomplishment that brings you joy and allows your mind to drift towards what you can accomplish during the next nap time.

  2. I love your flower prints! I especially like the star flower.
