Monday, April 4, 2016

Show and Tell (4/4/16)

It was spring, and it has backtracked to winter here in Michigan.

That's how I feel, like I am backtracking creatively. One step forward, two steps back.

I haven't been idle, though, just sluggish.

Fabric Pull

I started the Flight Bag by Betz White for Creative Bug. I love the fabrics I picked out. You can read more about my progress on that project over at Simple Satchels.


I painted some more fabric. I wanted something along the lines of an ombre effect with yellow, and then I was going to add a dash of neon yellow. Well it ended up more color blocked than the fading effect I was going for. Then when I added the neon, it was a tinge too green, and clashed with this yellow. So, yeah, not what I had planned. Disappointment took over for a day or two, but I have ideas on how to achieve what I want with the next attempt.

Spring Flower

I tried out some other painting this week. I got out the children watercolor set that I have been holding back from Corwin, and painted myself a pretty little flower. I was much more satisfied with this than my fabric painting. I really have no idea what I am doing with watercolor, so my expectations are very low for myself. This really helps me feel happy with whatever I end up painting!

Mug Rug

Yesterday I was aching for a little bit of patchwork. Really I just wanted to do some mindless stitching. I used some scraps from my flight bag and am in the processes of the final hand stitching on a little mug rug. I am really happy with how the quilting turned out. It was fun to just play a bit. 

I want to play! I may start designating a whole day to my 'studio' instead of just trying to fit stuff in between the craziness that is my life with two little ones underfoot. Idea's are forming. 

Linked up at Off the Wall Friday.

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