Sunday, February 21, 2016

Show and Tell (2/21/16)

Well, I have been having fun this week in my creative space. :) It helps that I convinced my parents to take my little people for the weekend, so I've just been playing, playing, playing. I feel so refreshed after getting a break from the normal routine of my energetic little boys.

So, on to what I was playing with this week...

I finished carving my latest lino, and even did some fabric printing with it!

My lino and ink ready for action!
The color I mixed was a creamsicle like color wet, but then when it dried it was more peach. Still nice, but not quite my color. I printed on muslin, so there is very little contrast, since I am interested in the whole 'low volume' fabric concept.

The resulting fabric! 

The lighting was not great, and since the contrast was low I had to do some tweaking on the computer to make it more obvious in the pictures. SO, you get the idea. I was trying to do a repeat, and I think I managed pretty well. Below you can see my first attempt at a repeat (a month ago). I have definitely made progress!

First attempt at a repeating pattern. 

It's really encouraging for me to see the progress that I have made. This new medium really sparks in me, and I wonder where it will take me.

I spent the first part of the week working on designing a bag. Not a simple tote, but something with a distinctive shape, more complex. 

Bag in progress.
I talked more about the process here.

Bag finished.
I also talked more about the finish here. So, really, I don't have much more to say about it. Other than, felt buckles, nay or yay? What do you think? 

So another bag this week is this simple tote. Simply sewn, but I painted the fabric myself!


I saw a tutorial on CreativeBug and I gave it a go! I didn't make wall art, like the project in the video, but I took the technique and made a tote. I LOVE this process!

My paint colors, ready to play
I took a faded piece of light blue fabric from my stash, that wouldn't have been very usable as is. I got out my old stash of acrylic craft paints. I made a mess. My toddler made a mess.

My fabric drying in my shower, very back lit. :) 
After some major cleanup, and a bath for my little guy. I had some fabric to play with! I set the paint with my iron, and then after I assembled the bag I also heat set it with a round in the dryer. I have now washed it and dried it in a normal fashion and the colors have held up really well! Yay!

The other side. 

I plan on playing with this technique more this coming week. Should be fun.

I did play with patchwork a bit this week. I sewed up a polka dot house. 

Polka Dot Place
This is for a the Neighborhood Party. Fun, fun, fun. I may applique in some windows and such. We will see.

Fabric Note Cards

I also stitched up some note cards for a friend, with some of my fabric scraps. Pretty pleased with the results.

I have been doodling this week as well, but nothing really to show, only going to tell instead. :) I am so unsure of the whole drawing thing, but I slowly feel like I am getting feet underneath me. 

Looking forward to sharing what the next week holds!

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